VIRKELIG sommer-retreat

mandag d. 28. juli - lørdag d. 2.august 2025

tid til at mærke noget virkeligt!

skru op for alle haner og få en uge i processens tegn

du inviteres til en uge med fuldspektrede forandrings-muligheder: krop, følelser, mad og tænkning

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Once every month we invite you to rediscover the possibility of communicating through subtle nervous system contact. We will introduce some simple exercises to become quiet in order to tune in and pick up the the inner body's sensory language. We will start by connecting to ourselves and from there, we will explore the possibilities of also listening to other nervous systems. 

2025 DATES

  • January 5, 12:00 - 14:30
  • February 2, 12:00 - 14:30
  • March 23, 12:00 - 14:30
  • April 21, 14:00-16:30
  • May 14, 18:30-21:00
  • June 15, 12:00 - 14:30

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I vores 'mytologiske legeplads' bliver du inviteret til at undersøge dig selv i relation til andre med udgangspunkt i kontakt.

I mødet med andre møder vi os selv. Mødet spejler os - vores styrker, vores udfordringer. Ved at finde ind til vores sansende væsen og koble den logiske tænkning fra, kan vi møde os selv på et mere ubevidst niveau - og ved efterfølgende refleksion kan vi løfte de sansede og følte oplevelser op til bevidstheden og få en større forståelse for os selv.

På den 'mytologiske legeplads' finder vi altid først kontakten til os selv som individer. Vi guider jer på vej ind til jeres sansende væsen og derefter vækker vi den lyttende kontakt. Med udgangspunkt i den lyttende kontakt møder vi derefter hinanden og os selv i en serie korte møder med hinanden to og to. 

Der arbejdes med guidede øvelser; øjenkontakt, fysisk kontakt og gradvist mere frit og intuitivt fysisk kontaktarbejde. Den mytologiske legeplads er et trygt og sikkert rum, hvor du støttes til at anerkende dine egne, oplevede grænser og muligheder.

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a laboratory for listening contact and bodywork

There is magic in the simple listening touch; it is sensitive and receptive to the living sensations and meanings harbored in the nervous system. Once we have learned the basics of listening, the contact between two (or more) nervous systems can be explored in so many ways. The experiences that occur can expand and enhance the sense of being and meaning in the world.

In expanding touch we guide you to explore and expand the possibility of communication through contact. We will always start off with exercises to reconnect with the internal sense of ourselves, and from there we will start to experiment with communicating with others through physical contact.

NB. To attend this workshop it is necessary to have been to a 'Listening touch - introduction to contact' workshop.

2025 DATES

  • February 6, 18:30 - 20:00
  • March 20, 18:30 - 20:00
  • April 3, 18:30 - 20:00
  • May 15, 18:30 - 20:00
  • June 12, 18:30 - 20:00
  • June 26, 18:30 - 20:00

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Find your body's free flow and experience your aliveness in action.

FREE YOUR BODY is an introduction to moving and experiencing the body from a more dynamic and free place. We start by finding quiet and stillness, in ourselves and in the space. Guided and with music we awaken the inner body in motion and set the outer body in motion working our way gradually towards more and more freedom. We finish together, by reabsorbing our inner aliveness so we can take it with us out into the world.

FREE YOUR BODY is for anyone who is curious about what the body can do and feel like outside of the normal framework of everyday routines. Everyone can participate - regardless of age and experience with movement/dance - also those who might feel tense and awkward with the idea of free movement.

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On select evenings we invite you to explore Contact Improvisation in combination with cacao and Listening Touch.

This is a social playground for exploring Contact Improvisation. We provide a space, serve cacao and give a guided warm up and introduction to Listening Touch. The rest is co-created by the participants. All levels of experience are welcome.

2025 dates

  • January 23rd, 19:00-22:00
  • February 7th, 19:00-22:00
  • March 7th, 19:00-22:00
  • April 11th, 19:00-22:00
  • May 9th, 19:00-22:00
  • June 13th, 19:00-22:00

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MÆRK MERE: På sporet af hjertet - med kakaoceremoni

HVORNÅR: afholdt 18. maj 2024 - ny dato kommer snarest, skriv til ida hvis du er interesseret

  • 1 dag med fælles aktiviteter

  • kakao-ceremoni

  • te og frugt

  • 2 individuelle alexanderteknik-sessioner kan tilkøbes

PRIS: 500 kr. (alm. pris), 350 kr. (reduceret pris).
Pakke med 2 individuelle alexanderteknik-sessioner kan tilkøbes for 600 kr.

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Kontakt os


Tagensvej 85c, 1. & 2. sal, 2200 København N,